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Net-Zero Well Drilling Moratorium within Proximity to Critical Infrastructure

WDWA GSA has implemented a moratorium on drilling new or replacement groundwater wells within 2.5 miles of the California Aqueduct between Mileposts 195 to 215 (known as the California Aqueduct Subsidence Program [CASP] Buffer Zone). Effective February 20, 2024, this management action aims to prevent significant and unreasonable groundwater extraction-related subsidence impacts on the California Aqueduct.

Full text of the Net-Zero Well Drilling Moratorium within Proximity to Critical Infrastructure available below:

WDWA GSA Well Drilling Moratorium Management Action - Adopted 20240220.pdf


Key Details of the Moratorium:

  • Purpose: The moratorium aims to protect the California Aqueduct from further groundwater extraction-related subsidence damage, which threatens water conveyance efficiency and infrastructure safety.
  • Affected Area: The moratorium applies to a 2.5-mile buffer zone, referred to as the California Aqueduct Subsidence Program (CASP) Buffer Zone, around Mileposts 195 to 215 of the California Aqueduct. To see if your groundwater extraction wells are within the Buffer Zone, you can enter the well(s)' GPS coordinates into the search function of this web map.
  • Conditions for Drilling: Drilling new or replacement wells is prohibited unless expressly authorized by the WDWA GSA Board. Requests for new wells must demonstrate that an existing well is being or has been replaced or abandoned, including compliance with all Kern County Public Health Department regulations.

Exemptions from the Moratorium:

Certain wells are exempt from the moratorium, including:

  • Human Health and Safety Wells: Wells drilled for the sole purpose of human health and safety, including fire suppression, sanitation, or de minimis domestic use.
  • Non-Groundwater Extraction Wells: Facilities not used for groundwater extraction, such as oil and gas wells, monitoring wells, and test borings.

Penalties for Unauthorized Drilling:

  • Any unauthorized drilling of groundwater extraction wells within the CASP Buffer Zone will be subject to penalties as authorized by SGMA and determined by the WDWA GSA Board.

Appeals Process:

  • If a well drilling application is denied, owners have 30 days to appeal the decision. Appeals will be reviewed at the next Board meeting, provided they are submitted at least 72 hours in advance. The Board’s decision on appeals is final.